Therapy, also known as talk therapy, psychotherapy or counseling, is a supportive and collaborative process where you have the opportunity to process through your emotions, daily struggles, life long experiences and struggles in a safe and non-judgmental environment. This is a space where you can be free to speak about life and struggle without concerns of rejection or potential confidentiality issues. You get to speak with a trained clinician who can help you identify unhealthy patterns, build good coping skills for struggling and direction for personal growth. Typical therapy appointments can vary from session to session and I allow you to set the tone for your needs that day. One session you might have great stories to tell, other sessions might be about daily stresses, kids, partners, jobs. Sometimes you might want to talk about your history, traumas, anxieties. Whatever you need the session to be, that is what is important to me.
Online therapy is an experience very similar to a video call (like you’d do on your smartphone) where you and I connect over a secure, HIPAA compliant video application. It’s easy to use, I send you a link and you click on it to enter our “room”. Once we are both in the room, we have a session just like we would in an office location but without the commute, parking, or other hassles. You will need to be in an area where it is safe for you to talk confidentially and have strong internet connection. You can use your smartphone, tablet or computer with video capabilities. You will have access to an app and a client portal as well. Phone formats may also available and offer maximum flexibility in conjunction with therapy services.
A couple of things to keep in mind, online therapy is not for people who are in urgent crisis, suicidal, or for people who will need extra support outside of scheduled sessions. If you are in crisis please contact 911, the national suicide prevention lifeline 1-800-273-8255 or seek immediate medical attention.